Network Evaluation

Network SolutionDo you ever wonder if there is anything going on within your network? Inquire about our free network evaluation.

Our network evaluation will scan your existing infrastructure to determine if any of the following points are a risk to your bottom line. These threats, if not contained and remedied, could cost you thousands in lost revenue and repairs.

Network evaluations will not remedy any found threats. Instead, the information provided will indicate that there are concerns that need to be addressed within your organization.

System Viruses,

Like it or not, a computer virus is the simplest thing to catch and the hardest to fix. During our evaluation, we will review your current solution to ensure that it’s working along with random workstation scans. Along with the typical virus, the other types of infection we will be looking for are Malware, Scareware, and Adware.

Network/Server Usage,

We want to ensure that server fragmentation is not hindering your server response times. This can often cause server request to be slower than normal.

Network Optimization,

Network performance is another avenue we invest our interest in. To ensure that file request between a workstation and a server is delivered in an acceptable time frame.